Page 8 - HCN Professional Services Booklet
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Health Choice Network
Clinical Quality
Clinical Engagement
Our health center care teams are the heart of patient care. HCN recognizes the critical impact our clinicians have on
outcomes and therefore developed various forums for which our care teams can maintain a pulse on strategies to improve
the patient care experience and drive quality of care for our patients, including:
Joining the KLAS Arch Collaborative: The collaborative is a provider-led effort to unlock the potential of EHRs in revolutionizing
patient care. Through standardized surveys and benchmarking, healthcare organizations collaborate to uncover best practices
and move the needle in healthcare IT. This multi-network collaborative is the first of its kind—bringing the voices of FQHCs in
Breakwater Health Network, INConcertCare, AllianceChicago, Hawaii Primary Care Association, the Bi-State Primary Care
Association, Community Health Access Network (CHAN), and Health Choice Network. This collaborative brings together 148
health centers, across 33 states, and 20 EHRs, to advocate for FQHC representation in the EHR vendor space.
Clinical Leaders Workshop: HCN has designed a bi-annual workshop occurring in spring and fall are tailored to both new and
seasoned community health center clinical leaders that addresses the core knowledge and skills clinical leaders need to excel
in the ever-changing community health environment. The primary focus of these workshops is on clinical operations and
continuous quality improvement involving a mix of facilitator-led collaborative discussions, guided learning, analytical
exercises, and onsite exposure to a local health center.
Engagement Opportunities: HCN member centers are encouraged to engage with their fellow FQHCs and contribute
their expertise in the following forums:
Clinical Leadership: Clinical leaders across the network convene every other month via video conferencing to address
center clinical priorities and to share leading practices from a clinical quality and operational viewpoint.
Quality Workgroup: With a focus on quality, care team members, clinicians, and quality staff come together to discuss
clinical best practices, work on quality improvement projects, and strengthen workflows to improve quality measures.
Optimization/Telehealth Workgroup: Comprised of select center super users, clinicians, and EHR specialists identified as
having enhanced knowledge of the system. The role of the optimization workgroup is to provide input and oversight into
clinical content development processes, guide system optimization targets, promote content training, champion
buy-in and support enhancements and clinical content rollouts.
HIV Taskforce: Members of this taskforce evaluate data, promising practices, and workflows to support health center
implementation of strategies to support the national Ending the HIV Epidemic efforts.
Opioid Taskforce: Member of this taskforce facilitate the improvement of patient outcomes and Medication Assisted
Treatment (MAT) program performance by establishing MAT Program Standards; assessing and enhancing EMR usability
and clinical decision support; and sharing promising practices through peer led clinical case studies.
QTECH Quality Committee: A monthly forum comprised of clinical and quality team members focused on education,
training and promising practices on patient engagement, reducing provider burden, and tackling quality initiatives.
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