Page 3 - HCN Professional Services Booklet
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CISO Health Choice Network
Health Choice Network, Inc. (HCN) has developed a team to assist Federally
Qualified Health Centers (FQHC’s) in building a strong secure network by
planning, guiding and advising information technology staff with cyber security
tools and best practices. From Penetration Testing, Security Awareness Training
and Security Risk Assessments, HCN uses its resources from the CISO Team to
not only advise but train FQHC Information Technology teams to further protect
PHI and Critical Network Infrastructure.
Security Awareness Training Vulnerability Assessment
Health Choice Network’s healthcare specific Security An annual Vulnerability Assessment is a critical part
Awareness Training is offered virtually or on-site and of organizations HIPAA security risk plan. The Health
provides education for employees on the ongoing cyber Choice Network assessment performs specific
security threats and how to identify them. This is an annually industry examinations and searches all devices on your
mandated training for all health center Associates under the local network for vulnerabilities that perpetrators can
HIPAA training provision for HIPAA security policy regulations. exploit and use to gain unauthorized access to Patient
Health Information (PHI) or sensitive business data.
The assessment provides a risk level rating (HIGH to
Training Objectives will focus on:
LOW) of recommended actions required in order to
How to identify phishing emails and malicious websites prevent unauthorized access to include software
Tips and tricks on identifying social engineering scams in updates needed, security concerns related to aging
person or by phone technology and hardware, and configuration changes
How to properly respond and report security threats recommended.
Review your organizations Phishing Simulation Attacked
Industry trending security threats
Penetration Testing
Annual Trainings should be provided to keep organizations
updated on current and latest threats to the industry, their Our annual Penetration Testing simulates an attack on
working environment and for HIPAA regulation compliance. your networks access points. Several subject matter
* Phishing Simulation Attack service is required for report review during experts will work to exploit known vulnerabilities in the
Security Awareness Training. technology and configuration deployed within your
organizations network. If CISO team gains access, our
Phishing Simulation Attack penetration testers will document access to various
systems while continuing to gain access to as many
Phishing attacks are the number one cause for data network and systems possible during the engagement
breaches in our industry. An annual phishing simulation is period. A report will be generated of the simulation and
important to help demonstrate this type of attack and how used to educate and prioritize systems and
to identify them. Health Choice Network provides a configuration while securing your network; ultimately
Phishing Simulation Attack to all health center Associates, preventing this form of attack.
using a realistic email communication with malicious links.
Associates who open or click on the simulated malicious
links will be identified and flagged for additional training
needs during the presentation of the Phishing Simulation
Attacked Report. The phishing simulation service is highly
® ®
recommended in conjunction with our security awareness
training in order to provide the complete experience for
health center Associates.. 25 + Years of Service
9064 NW 13 Terrace I Miami, FL 33172
Additional information available upon request.
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